Day 001

A Super Long Term Project.

Mar 17 2024. Sunday. SJ.

This is going to be a project lasting 20,088 days.
What is this and why so many days?
Well, I'm not sure where the idea for this project came from.
But there's one thing I do know:
There are so many unfinished projects in the folders of my computer.
So many unrealized ideas in my life.
This began to weigh on me after a while.
I started to feel like I couldn't trust myself with any ideas.
"Why even bother anymore? You won't do it anyway."

I really started to think like this…

me sketching out the design for Start with Day One

One day I realized something:
There's always the "first day" with an idea or project.
It's the day filled with so much excitement.
The day I felt like I could do something about it.
But then, I get discouraged.
Turning anything into reality is difficult.
I think I figured out a secret though…
If I could just remember what Day One felt like.
Then I could always just start with day one again.
And let everyday be day one.
So, whatever you are working on —— let's start with day one together.