Day 004

The Treads Are Worn Too Deep.

Mar 20 2024. Wednesday. SF.

I donated over 30 boxes of books before moving to SF last yr.

They've been with me for over 10 years. I cherished them.

I didn't and still don't own many things really.

some books i did keep :)

But whatever I do own, I love.

I've had to say goodbye to many, many things in life.

Some are easy to part with.

Few are tossed away without a thought.

And some…some are goodbyes that take a part of you with them.

I know that things are not just things.

They don't just accumulate wear and tear.

They collect the dust and the time and the memories.

But sometimes, the treads on a pair of shoes are worn too deep.

I let go of thee. Goodbye, things of the past.

And I'm waiting for the cloud to clear —— for the sun to shine through.