Day 006

In Praise of Cork Boards.

Mar 22 2024. Friday. SF.

I love minimalism.

I love Japanese Minimalism.

And I think they've figured out something that one else has:

Their use of texture inspired by nature.

Wood. Bamboo. Silk. Paper. Straw.

The kinds of things that connect us back to earth.

Their focus is less about "design",

but more about keeping things organic and simple.

I still like the minimalism that's embedded in products like Apple.

I call this industrial minimalism.

It's great. I love it too.

But sometimes, I want something that reminds me of home.

Something that feels natural like traditional Japanese designs.

Something that feels earthy —— like Cork Boards.

some cork boards found on buildspace's campus.

I didn't even grow up with them and yet they feel homey.

The Cork Board is truly the common man's canvas.

They are simple. You can add to or subtract from its design.

So, I praise all cork boards from around the world.

Thank you, Cork Boards.