Day 017

I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire.

Apr 02 2024. Tuesday. Napa.

It's 10:45 p.m.

And I just realized something.

This has been the perfect way to explore

many things I’ve always found interesting:

  • present writing in fresh ways.

  • play with all kinds of mediums for art.

  • string together multi-year narratives.

i changed up edward hopper's "nighthawks" for the purpose of a video.

If I’m making something new everyday.

I’d probably get really good at a few things.

Who knows what would happen at day 365.

Or 730, 1825, 3650, or 20,088.

I post everyday because I know myself well enough:

If I don’t post, then I’ll get lazy,

I’ll become less attentive to life itself.

(And it's probably the essential ingredient to art — attention).