Day 044

another small reflection.


Apr 29 2024. Monday. SF + SJ.

An idea "fell from the sky" for the Japanese novelist, Haruki Murakami.

At a baseball game with a cold beer in hand, he suddenly thought:

"I think I can write a novel."

So, he went home that night and started writing for the next 44 years.

四十四 book cover series + one more cover.

四十四 book covers + bonus cover.
see desktop for the other book covers.

It's not free will vs. fate. Both exist.

Most physical phenomena are subject to fate.

Mankind is split with an unknown distribution of the two.

Some have more free will. Some are subject to the whims of destiny.

Some have the choice to fulfill a cosmic design.

Some are slaves to it. And some are servants to their own desires to be free.

I'm too blind to see which is which.