Feb 20 2024. Thursday. SF.
The page is blue and yellow.
Oct 31 2024. Thursday. SF.
Sep 28 2024. Sunday. SJ.
Day 30/60 of my intensive Italian course.
Aug 29 2024. Thursday. SJ.
words from jame hollis.
Aug 25 2024. Sunday. SCZ.
You can only climb one mountain at a time.
Aug 22 2024. Thursday. SJ.
"nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitami ritrovai per una selva oscura,ché la diritta via era smarrita."
Aug 17 2024. Saturday. SJ.
well...i'm currently playing with designing phone wallpapers.
Aug 16 2024. Friday. SJ.
From the last two pages of Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye."
Aug 14 2024. Wednesday. SJ.
it's been a while.
Aug 12 2024. Monday. SJ.
I like things with endings.
Aug 11 2024. Sunday. SD.
Monterey (Cannery Row) -> Salinas Valley -> Bakersfield -> Ventura -> Malibu -> Los Angeles -> San Diego.
Aug 06 2024. Tuesday. SJ.
It took a while to realize that there are two timelines that exist.
Aug 03 2024. Saturday. SF.
into the electric heat, I find slumber.
Aug 01 2024. Thursday. SF.
Another poem by David Harsent.
July 31 2024. Wednesday. SF.
A poem by David Harsent.
July 30 2024. Tuesday. SF.
And forever ++ the days shall be the days of 136.
July 29 2024. Monday. SJ.
Ashi-waza. Waist grip O-uchi to outside trip.
July 28 2024. Sunday. Pacific One.
Great day with great friends on Pacific One. Many ideas were discussed. The future looks promising.
July 27 2024. Saturday. SF.
I miss doing mathematics. It's bee a few years since I thought or used it in more deeply.
July 26 2024. Friday. SJ.
Every one of them continued to produce great work even past the age of 75.
July 25 2024. Thursday. Napa.
I don't want to be ruled by fear.
July 24 2024. Wednesday. SJ.
The thing about "keeping things simple" that they don't tell you about is this:
July 23 2024. Tuesday. SJ.
List of books and where I am.
July 22 2024. Monday. SF.
"I don't give a feck about Mozart. Or Borvoven. Or any of them funny name feckers."
July 21 2024. Sunday. SF.
Everything you've gained in life required you to sacrifice something.
July 20 2024. Saturday. SJ.
Will commence soon.
July 19 2024. Friday. SJ.
goals. deadlines. a plan. consistent effort.
July 18 2024. Thursday. SF.
No matter what, I'm still here. I'm still here.
July 17 2024. Wednesday. SJ.
pictures of the physical journal today instead.
July 16 2024. Tuesday. SF.
pixel by pixel by pixel by pixel by pixel.
July 15 2024. Monday. FL + SJ.
airports and aeroplanes...I do not envy anyone who has to frequent these g-d forsaken places.
July 14 2024. Sunday. FL.
Some things to start stacking soon.
July 13 2024. Saturday. FL.
…and we saw the attempted assassination of donald trump.
July 12 2024. Friday. FL.
youtube is still underrated, as crazy as that sounds.
July 11 2024. Thursday. SF.
I botched the planning of the day.
July 10 2024. Wednesday. SF.
enjoy, future-self.
July 09 2024. Tuesday. SF.
Currently finishing up The Bluest Eyes by Toni Morrison.
July 08 2024. Monday. SJ.
Designed the back cover to Of Mice and Men. Didn't quite go as expected.
July 07 2024. Sunday. SJ.
cut this up somewhat to arcade fire's song on the beach.
July 06 2024. Saturday. SJ.
Reading Of Mice and Men and will explore the Salinas Valley, where quite a few of Steinbeck's books are set.
July 05 2024. Friday. SJ.
certain kinds of music can just drop me into a flow.
July 04 2024. Thursday. SF.
what a day.
July 03 2024. Wednesday. SJ.
Everyone can live a perfect day.
July 02 2024. Tuesday. SF.
I noticed that so much of content in the 2020s is all about inspiring people.
July 01 2024. Monday. SF.
the comments in this video. wow.
June 30 2024. Sunday. SJ.
A tribute to Buvaisar Saitiev.
June 29 2024. Saturday. SJ.
I thought it might be interesting to create these cards with short bits of info on each artist and one of their works.
June 28 2024. Friday. SJ.
experiment experiment experiment experiment experiment experiment
June 27 2024. Thursday. SF.
I rediscovered someone that's just so different from anyone else — Don Hertzfeldt.
June 26 2024. Wednesday. SJ.
Note to myself reading this in the future: Please come back to work on this. It's interesting enough to iterate.
June 25 2024. Tuesday. SF.
4 hour + 2 hour blocks.
June 24 2024. Monday. SJ.
A study of the designs of various things for the olympics from its first event in 1896 to now looks really promising.
June 23 2024. Sunday. SJ.
Added a shuffle button. Cleaned my room. Re-programmed my workout/training.
June 22 2024. Saturday. SJ.
I have been toying with this idea of re-reading and studying the same few things over and over again this remaining year.
June 21 2024. Friday. SF.
Vivid dreams with new faces I know I've never met before.
June 20 2024. Thursday. SF.
June 19 2024. Wednesday. SF.
took some time looking/taking notes on album covers. waiting for a friend to make cover.gallery
June 18 2024. Tuesday. SF.
And on this drive where the song loops forever:
June 17 2024. Monday. SF.
I've been told to grow up. I've been told to stay as a kid forever.
June 16 2024. Sunday. SJ.
I tried a few experiments today based off on stuff I made on Day 091. Things didn't quite work out the way I wanted it too.
June 15 2024. Saturday. SF.
2 years of being deep in it. 1 day of stepping back and seeing it all.
June 14 2024. Friday. SF.
Some days, you just have a lot to do in real life.
June 13 2024. Thursday. SF.
I just purchased Neal Kinsey's Hands-On Agronomy and I haven't been this excited about a book for a while.
June 12 2024. Wednesday. SF.
June 11 2024. Tuesday. SF.
looking through letters of t.s. eliot.
June 10 2024. Monday. SF.
The fact is, however, that this is probably the most unhappy average citizen in the history of the world.
June 09 2024. Sunday. Pacific One.
this "painting" is a tribute to her.
June 08 2024. Saturday. Pacific One.
full day. full itinerary.
June 07 2024. Friday. SF.
unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.
June 06 2024. Thursday. SF.
e e cummings. ild. 136+
June 05 2024. Wednesday. SF.
These dreams have finally returned.
June 04 2024. Tuesday. SJ.
masters live through out every single age.
June 03 2024. Monday. SJ.
June 02 2024. Sunday. SJ.
amor. fati. fait. amor.
amor fati. fati amor.
June 01 2024. Saturday. SJ.
Our fetishes in the modern world.
May 31 2024. Friday. SJ.
just found some old photos of my grandparents on my laptop.
May 30 2024. Thursday. SF.
Good questions that are anchoring me right now.
May 29 2024. Wednesday. SJ + SF.
the sane mind is the taut string from a ball of yarn.
May 28 2024. Tuesday. SF.
Be more disciplined in resting.
May 27 2024. Monday. SJ.
Tbh, it's not that easy to do it well.
May 26 2024. Sunday. Mnt View.
No matter how you organize it, what's complicated remains complicated.
May 25 2024. Saturday. SJ.
Started reading Murkami's non-fiction work on the Tokyo Gas Attack.
May 24 2024. Friday. SF.
Some readings for this month.
May 23 2024. Thursday. SF.
just experimenting with some more designs that's text heavy.
May 22 2024. Wednesday. SJ.
Been thinking about it for years. The kind of thing that haunts you.
May 21 2024. Tuesday. SF.
finished haruki murakami's book, "novelist as a vocation."
May 20 2024. Monday. SJ.
[] explore the world. [] re-imagine myself. [] re-invent myself.
May 19 2024. Sunday. SJ.
Several pages later, I arrived at the same conclusions that people have figured out thousands of years ago lol.
May 18 2024. Saturday. SJ.
The new iPad Pro is looking too good.
May 17 2024. Friday. SJ.
Hmm. I'm not sure if I buy that.
"life isn't that simple." hmm.
May 16 2024. Thursday. SJ.
My token limits are rather low, but also running on a completely different model.
May 15 2024. Wednesday. SJ.
There are so many things in life we just don't understand, especially things that are metaphorical.
May 14 2024. Tuesday. SCR.
I'm playing pong right now.
May 13 2024. Monday. SJ.
Heaven Adored. When Fate Ordained. I Am A Dream King.
May 12 2024. Sunday. SJ.
Words I didn't write. thoughts i share in-between being distracted by my phone.
May 11 2024. Saturday. SJ.
Life is busy. Life is filled with so many random things trying to stop me. Some of them are headaches that I've created for myself...and some are not.
May 10 2024. Friday. SJ.
Cigars really are like a portable bonfire. It's a small stick with fire and ember at the tip of it.
May 09 2024. Thursday. SJ.
flow states are a lot like the faucet theory of creativity. i think this is likely true for highly creative acts.
May 08 2024. Wednesday. SF.
May 07 2024. Tuesday. SF.
Some clouds only get to live 15 minutes on earth.
May 06 2024. Monday. SF.
5 greetings cards that will never sell.
May 05 2024. Sunday. SF.
Went to visit the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA today. A lot to reflect about:
May 04 2024. Saturday. SJ.
A friend once said that I'm obsessed with the idea of time. I denied it, at first.
May 03 2024. Friday. SF.
everything has a beginning. the universe had one. even you had one. don’t forget it.
May 02 2024. Thursday. SJ.
Quick Notes on Three Body Problem + The Journals of Sylvia Plath.
May 01 2024. Wednesday. SF.
≈1 new (attempted) art/design per day would amount to 3000+ pieces for 10 years. I should get fairly decent by then, if not pretty damn good.
Apr 30 2024. Tuesday. SF.
Just made another book cover esque thing. Messing around :)
Apr 29 2024. Monday. SF + SJ.
An idea "fell from the sky" for the Japanese novelist, Haruki Murakami. At a baseball game with a cold beer in hand, he suddenly thought: "I think I can write a novel."
Apr 28 2024. Sunday. SF.
Very eventful day. Drove to SF. Fort Mason Farmer's Market time. Worked on buildspace. Drove to Mill Valley. Disney Family Museum.
Apr 27 2024. Saturday. SJ.
I haven't binged a show for a while, but I decided to finish all of 3 Body Problem today. Jiu Jitsu remains difficult when the AC is shut off on Saturdays.
Apr 26 2024. Friday. SF.
For the next few days, I'm going to design a few fake book covers for physics books that were never written.
Apr 25 2024. Thursday. SF.
I noticed that most poets produce probably only about 10 memorable poems in their lifetimes. Not all of their poems are good. A lot of it are very mediocre…
Apr 24 2024. Wednesday. SF.
Not everyday needs to be cohesive. Not everyday needs to be interesting.
Apr 23 2024. Tuesday. SJ.
6 quotes and 6 posters for each quote. Rule broken. But sometime it's okay to be a little bit bad.
Apr 22 2024. Monday. SF.
Tired af. Need to rest. No logs today. Focused mostly on work.
Apr 21 2024. Sunday. SJ + SCR.
Which paradoxically means I should practice it less?
Apr 20 2024. Saturday. SJ.
Massive migraine today.
Apr 19 2024. Friday. KS.
Write your own story, or someone else will.
Apr 18 2024. Thursday. KS.
Lucille Ball: “It's a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.”
Apr 17 2024. Wednesday. KS.
"All of humanity's dreams are cursed somehow. Beautiful yet cursed dreams." — Miyazaki.
Apr 16 2024. Tuesday. KS.
"Your absence has gone through me Like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color."
Apr 15 2024. Monday. KS.
Here's to another 30 days. And 55 years isn't actually a long time…
Apr 14 2024. Sunday. KS.
Need to make a list of things to study/read: Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. Kahlo (Taschen). Henri Rousseau (Taschen). Tadanori Yokoo.
Apr 13 2024. Saturday. FL.
Hmm. Finished reading/watching: The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Ran by Akira Kurosawa.
Apr 12 2024. Friday. FL.
Movies to (re)watch: Ran, Andrei Rublev, Drive My Car, Paris TX.
Apr 11 2024. Thursday. FL.
Not sure what this is. You tell me lol. Some fragments from my dream while traveling today. How dreams work and what the mind sees is so strange and fascinating.
Apr 10 2024. Wednesday. TX.
Today was a 404 kind of day. I stumbled into the hotel elevator at 3:45 a.m. to checkout. And I guess either the rat that greeted me was an employee, or the hotel really cut cost somewhere.
Apr 09 2024. Tuesday. SF + SJ.
Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow. Only 1% of days will be remembered. I don't know what to make of that. Oh well :)
Apr 08 2024. Monday. SJ.
The birds are in misery. I don't think they sing; they just screech in pain. Taking a close look at what is around us, there is some sort of harmony. It is the harmony of: Overwhelming collective murder.
Apr 07 2024. Sunday. Bay Area.
i'm looking at life, through a pinhole. but life isn't a tiny pov or outlook. i know i miss a lot of little beauties of life. even the humblest creatures know all about this. and when i add it all up i'm left with only…
Apr 06 2024. Saturday. SF.
I must sleep more. Don't fall into the same old habits again. So what if you didn't get around to making something today. You spent /some/ time on /something/. Head to bed. Come back tomorrow. And have a great day 022.
Apr 05 2024. Friday. SF.
Today was a very, very busy day.第二十天真的是太忙了。明天再聊吧。
Apr 04 2024. Thursday. SJ.
Sometimes, you have so much to say, but it all just boils that to a few sentences. A song. And a feeling.
Apr 03 2024. Wednesday. SF.
I almost never pay attention to my shadow. I wonder what it sees. If it sees the duality of man. If it sees life differently as my soul, and as the Ancient Greeks thought of it.
Apr 02 2024. Tuesday. Napa.
Who knows what would happen at day 365. Or 730, 1825, 3650, or 20,088. If I don’t post, then I’ll get lazy, I’ll become less attentive to life itself. (And it's probably the essential ingredient to art — attention).
Apr 01 2024. Monday. SF
A few days after the Christmas of 1888…Nietzsche collapsed in the streets of Turin, Italy. He recovered for only a few days, had enough sense and energy to write a few letters, all strange but beautiful.
Mar 31 2024. Sunday. SJ.
“In the evening I finished reading a book, and because I was feeling so alone, I buried the book on the edge of the forest with a borrowed spade.”— Werner Herzog, from “Conquest of the Useless”
Mar 30 2024. Saturday. SF + SJ.
I almost didn't think I could do Day 014. Certain days are just difficult. Difficult to do anything. And the morning I woke up to had its saturation turned all the way down. And I remembered that I also toggled life to hard mode, by committing to a project for 55 years.
Mar 29 2024. Friday. SF.
I need to "unblock" myself. T.S. Eliot isn't more talented. He's less blocked. Shakespeare isn't more talented. He's less blocked. Jane Austen isn't more talented. She's less blocked. Donna Tarrt isn't more talented. She's less blocked.
Mar 28 2024. Thursday. SF.
I once saw night and day change over 1000 years. I once saw stars born within the interstellar clouds. I once saw the sun and moon rest at opposite horizons.
Mar 27 2024. Wednesday. SF + SJ.
Today was just one of those days. Errors in planning. Traffic. Etc etc etc. But still a good day overall though.
Mar 26 2024. Tuesday. SJ.
Some days I only think in pictures. Other days, only in songs. And some days look gray. And other days are in color.
Mar 25 2024. Monday. SF.
It's tempting to live life or show it as more than it is. Especially when I'm working on a project like this. But the beauty is in the simplicity of it all — trusting that life will present interesting things to me without the need for any fabrication on my part.
Mar 24 2024. Sunday. SF.
The same books took on a different meaning. The same books collected layers of memories in each page. Funny how things never just remain as simple "things". And now, I look at all of these books here wondering:"Could I ever look at them the same way?"
Mar 23 2024. Saturday. SJ.
"I've been out walking. I don't do too much talking these days. These days. These days I seem to think a lot. About the things that I forgot to do."
Mar 22 2024. Friday. SF.
I've discovered that the Cork Board is the average person's canvas. You can add to or subtract from its design with daily things. Perhaps one of the most beautiful inventions out there.
Mar 21 2024. Thursday. SF.
I doodled. I jotted down fragments. Nothing too coherent. And I actually love this entry. Only 31 words with a picture of my physical journal :)
Mar 20 2024. Wednesday. SF.
…whatever I do own, I love. I've had to say goodbye to many, many things in life. Some are easy to part with. Few are tossed away without a thought. And some…some are goodbyes that take a part of you with them.
Mar 19 2024. Tuesday. SJ.
There's something so ordinary about these quiet mornings. It draws my focus to the world. And the world is such a beautiful place, that it deserves all of my attention. Yet, I still don't pay enough attention to it…
Mar 18 2024. Monday. SF.
I gave myself quite a bit of constraints for the design language of this site. Even little things like there's a rough word count limit of 250 words per page. So you would never take more 2-3 minutes to read a page…
Mar 17 2024. Sunday. SJ.
I'm not sure where the idea for this project came from. But there's one thing I do know: There are so many unfinished projects in the folders of my computer. So many unrealized ideas in my life. This began to weigh on me after a while…